Open Account

Please provide the information below to open your business account, allowing you to purchase CSL products including CSL SIMs, MiniAir, CSL Router and Signal Analysers.

Select Language:


    All fields are required


    Payment Method

    Direct Debit (Not Allowed for Sweden, Denmark, Norway or Finland)

    Bank Tranfer
    Found below the bank details for transfer, it will be also available at the bottom of your invoice.

    IBAN: ES48 2100 8616 7102 0008 0827

    Direct Debit This option is not available for Sweden, Denmark, Norway or Finland

    Credit Card

    On the platform under the Online Store / Invoices section, you will find the options to pay your invoices using a credit card.

    Main Contact Details

    Additional Contact Details

    Activity Details

    Select Sector

    Project Details

    If you have received the SIM through a distributor, please provide details below:


    1. Please complete the entire form – all fields are required.
    2. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a confirmation email.
    3. After verifying your data, CSL Iberia will complete the setup of your business account and send you login details to access the CSL Platform.
    4. Download the General Terms and Conditions of Service.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at